Escalate Alibaba

Dear, 1. First, we confirmed to deal with this problem and also reply to the customer actively. 2. We will send new movement of motor for the customer, and it will be sent from Guangzhou factory, just take about 5-7days like the fowarder confirmed as picture. 3. And We will pay for the bill for assemble engine in Spain, customer can send us the bill from repair shop later. 4. Due to the company rules, we will send out the goods right away after close the refund process.

I understand. Do not worry, I will do my best to help you out with this.

As per checkthe dispute is waiting for supplier response now and it’s a quick refund. A refund will be automatically issued if the supplier does not reply to this claim within 5 days. Please stay patient or contact the supplier to discuss your proposed resolution.

You can click here to open the dispute page( PC: click here, APP: click here)

It’s a quick refund-refund for seller non-response after five (5) days. For quick refund rule, refer to link 链接

A refund will be automatically issued if the supplier does not reply to this claim within 5 days.


Since you have not consulted for a long time, will close the service after

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