Alibaba refund process

Open a refund/dispute/offline order


Customer Service Agent

Hello!This is Linda from the Customer Service Team. I am glad to be at your service.May I know how can I help you

hello I try to begin a refund process. I’m not sure to got it. Can you help me? (the sell store have to do a refund of 79,99 euros

Don’t worry you have my full support and rest assured everything this I will do is for the betterment and to help you out o this

May I have your order number and I will help you check the order status .


Order No.171890959001021930

I’ll be happy to check for you. Can you give 2 to 3 minutes to check the details?

you need refund

yes I need that the sell store pay the engine repair (79,99 E

I can help you contact the dispute team to convey your request


May I have your email address ?


Once it updates within 1-3 working day you will be notified via email address directly by our higher team for this.



You are a kind customer of our Alibaba platform, I believe there will be good results. Let’s look forward to good results together

Most importantly, take care and have a blessed day/night you be worthy of! 

I wish you a happy day and everything goes well

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