Auto Keyboard Presser Program

Hi ha diversos programes per a simular accionament de tecles (F1, F2..) o clic del ratoli a un punt (donat per les seves coordenades a la pantalla.)

anem a simular un clic de retoli

1 obrir autokeyboard

2 addmouse

3 seleccionar mouse left key clic

4 get position

5 interval de temps

Auto Keyboard Presser v1.9

If the hotkey set menu is blank or you get the “Invalid Key” or the “Need internet connection” error when you enter the key:
Click here to see how to solve the problem.


Auto Mouse Clicker and Recorder v2.0 (F1+ CLICKING + F1 +F2)

1. Select a Start/Stop hotkey and click Set
2. Select a Play hotkey and click Set
3. Press your selected Start/Stop hotkey to Start
4. Do your desired mouse clicks
5. Press your selected Start/Stop hotkey to Stop
6. Press your selected Play hotkey to Play

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